Michele Placido,Fanny Ardant...
The film tells the emotional dilemma of Carlo, divided between his wife Silvia and a young girl, Lu. Carlo shares an apartment with Silvia in the respectable Roman neighborhood of Parioli, hiding nothing of his relationship with Lu and accepting the fact that Silvia is courted by other men. Lu in turn lives in his country house; from here Carlo talks often at length with his wife on the phone and, during one of these conversations, discovers the existence of a young man who is seeing Silvia. The appearance of this fourth character marks the story's start: the story of an obsession in which long dialogues delve into Silvia's mystery and bring Carlo progressively closer to the truth. Silvia is increasingly involved with her young, mysterious, violent lover and finally asks Carlo not to return to the house in Rome. Carlo begins roaming the city, finding it both threatening and sinister, in a vain attempt to give this young man a face. Together the married couple leave for Sicily where Silvia confides to Carlo a number of details that only increase her husband's obsessiveness. Upon their return, the crisis with Lu erupts: Carlo, transformed by anxiety, discharges his repressed violence on the girl. Again he hastily departs, this time for Venice, where Silvia, who is increasingly attempting to escape, has asked him to join her. In Venice, Carlo finally understands that his wife is the prey of her vicious lover, and that she is contemplating some definitive, drastic gesture. He leaves her, saying goodbye for the last time at the train station. Carlo in his turn is left by Lu, thus losing the impulsive freedom of the idyllic life he had with her. He also bids farewell to Sergio, the friend he had stayed with in Rome. Winter arrives. Sergio telephones to tell Carlo of his wife's death. The two friends go together to the morgue and stand beside Silvia's corpse, disfigured by countless razor slashes. The accompanying music, written by Berlioz, is Romeo's song at Juliette's tomb.
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